Tuesday, May 14, 2019

BLOG 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the story Absolutely Normal Chaos, by Sharon Creech, it describes how Mary Lou writes in her
journal during the summer about what she is doing.  Mary Lou wants a normal summer without
any crazy things going on. The problem is that her family is crazy and her family is really loud.
So she goes to the pool a lot and movies. A normal summer. Then her cousin, Carl Ray, comes.
Mary Lou is like his maid, cleaning up his room every morning. There are gum wrappers and
money everywhere and his bed is not made. Carl Ray is very lazy, but managed to get a car
and job. In the end Mary Lou starts to like Alex Cheevy (again).

Image result for absolutely normal chaos

Blog 29

In the story Black Panther The Young Prince by Ronald L. Smith it describes how T’Challa goes to
school with Gemini Jones. T’Challa wants Gemini to leave him alone. But the problem is that Gemini
is a bully at school. So T’Challa finds out about the Skulls. Then T’Challa warned Gemini about his
dad. In the end T’Challa defeats Gemini dad because he was a demon and T’Challa got to see
M’Baku again.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Blog 28

Pg. 155
First summary

In the story Song For A Whale it describes how a 12 year old that is deaf tries to do a song in sign language to the deaf whale so that the whale will sing (Blue 55 is the name for the whale).  But the problem is that the whale is in Alaska, and Iris lives in Houston. So, Iris saves up money by selling old radios that she fixed. But she didn’t sell enough radios. Then Iris’s grandma takes her on a cruise to see the whale in Alaska. I’m not done with the book but Iris has not found the whale.
Image result for  song for a whale

Monday, May 6, 2019

Blog 27

In the story Black Panther  by  Ronald L. Smith it describes how T’Challa lives in America. T’Challa
wants M’Baku back. But the problem is that M’Baku is hanging out with bullies. So T’Challa tries to
talk to him. The bully Gemini Jones doesn’t let him go near M’Baku. Then T’Challa realizes that
M’baku has joined a club that is really bad. After that T’Challa tells M’Baku  that he needs to get
out of there. In the end t’challa met new friends and still doesn’t have M’Baku back.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Blog 26

In the story Star Wars: Lost Stars by Claudia Gray it describes how Thane and Ciena try to be friends
again. Thane wants Ciena to come to the light side. But the problem is that Ciena doesn’t want to go.
So Thane tries to talk to her. Didn’t work. Then he chased her down in a Star Destroyer and fight.
Ciena go knocked out by a bullet. In the end Ciena got arrested and the rebels won.

Image result for star wars lost stars

Monday, April 22, 2019

Blog 25

In the story Trapped In A Video Game 3 it explains how Jesse needs to rescue Eric. Jesse lost
Eric and needs to rescue him. But the problem is that Eric is trapped in a rocket that is going to
the moon. So Jesse finds Sam and Roger in Super Bot World 3. That helps him find Eric. Then
Jesse is getting chased by the “Police” gets to Eric but they don’t have a lot of time. In the end
Jesse finds Eric and is OK.  

See the source image

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Blog 24

In the story Trapped In A Video Game 2 describes how Jesse gets trapped in a video game called
Go Wild. Jesse still wants to find his friend Matt. But the problem is that Matt is fading away. So Eric
& Jesse go into Bionosoft and try and save Matt. Then Jesse finds Matt and they escape. In the
end Matt, Jesse, and Eric got trapped in a real life video game called Super Bot World 3.

Image result for trapped in a video game

Blog 23

In the story Trapped In A Video Game it describes how Jesse gets trapped in a video game. Jesse
wants his friend Matt. But the problem is that he is trapped in a video game Full Blast. So Jesse
goes do Eric’s house to try and ask him about Matt. Couldn’t find Eric. Then Jesse goes inside
Full Blast and finds Eric. In the end Matt got found and sacrificed himself and got trapped in a
different game Go Wild.

Image result for trapped in a video game

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Book 22

In the story Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde it explains how Trevor does a classroom project. Trevor is doing a project to make the whole world happy. But the problem is that the top three people of his project didn’t work. The three people were Reuben his dad and teacher who helped Trevor. Mrs.Greenberg who Trevor talked to. Jerry helped but put himself in jail. So one person in his project paid forward to 3 people.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Blog 21

In the book Star Wars:Lost Stars describes how 2 friends are enemies. Thane Kyrell and Ciena
Ree both want to be friends again. But the problem is that Thane is on the rebels, and Ciena
is on the darkside. So Thane goes to Cienas home. It was awkward. Then Ciena saves Thanes
life. In the end Thane and Ciena are friends again.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Blog 20

In the story Star Wars: Lost Stars by Claudia Gray it describes how Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree
are in the academy. Thane and Ciena both want to be pilots for the Imperial Fleet. But the
problem is that Thane did something wrong and went to the rebels. So Ciena wonders were
he went. Doesn’t know were he is. Then she looks at a screen and Ciena knows that Thane
Kyrell joined the Rebellion. In the end, I think that Ciena will secretly join the Rebellion.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Blog 19

In the story Bud Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis describes how a boy ran away from a
foster home. Bud wants to find his dad. But the problem is that Bud lives in Flint and his dad
is in The Grand Rapids. So Bud tries to run away from the foster home. Then Bud finds Lefty
and takes Bud to The Grand Rapids. In the end Bud finds out that his mom is single and HEC
(Herman E. Calloway) is Bud’s grandfather.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Blog 18

PG. 150

In the story Lost Stars Claudia Gray describes two kids want to be in the imperial elite flight
academy. Thane and Ciena want to be really good pilots. But the problem is that the rebels
are winning the war. So they try to be the best they can be. Death Star destroyed. Then they
realize that the rebels are victorious. In the end Thane and Ciena realize that they were
working for the wrong people.

To be continued . . .

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Blog 17

Pgs. 311

In the book More Than Rivals by Ken Abraham describes how Bill and Eddie are rivals. Eddie
and Bill want to be friends. But the problem is that there is segregation in Tennessee where Bill
and Eddie live. So, Eddie goes over to Bill's house. Bill moved. Then, they play each other in
the high school championship in Gallatin. Eddie won. In the end, Eddie and Bill weren’t just
rivals, but friends also.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Blog 16

In the book Dog Man Brawl Of The Wild by Dav Pilkey describes how Dog Man went to jail.
Dog Man wanted to be a super cop. But somebody evil dressed up as him and put a money
bag under his head so that Dog Man was arrested. So Dog Man said he was innocent. Didn’t
work. So he decided to be a bad dog. In the end Dog Man was released from dog jail..

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blog 15

In the story So Do You Want To Be A Jedi? by Adam Gidwitz describes how Luke is fighting Darth Vader.
Luke Skywalker wants to be a Jedi. But Darth Vader is fighting Luke and lost an arm. So Luke travels
across the galaxy to find Darth Vader. Worked. Then he tried to fight Darth Vader. Lost an a arm doing
it. In the end Luke found out that his dad is Darth Vader and he is a Jedi.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Blog 14

In the story Freak The Mighty by Rodman Philbrick it describes how a 13 year old boy lives with his
grandparents. Max wants his mom back,but his mom died. Max remembers her mom going away.
Then he realizes that in his memory that his dad Killer Kane killed his mom.. In the end his friend
Freak died. Also,  Guinevere (Freaks mom) is moving to California and already got a boyfriend.
Killer Kane went to prison with a original sentence plus an extra ten years.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Blog 13

In the story Big Nate: A Good Old- Fashioned Wedgie by Lincoln Peirce it describes how Nate
tries to solve a mystery. Nate wants to find who wrote a note that he thinks says “Nate is adorable!!
I hope.” But it didn’t say that. So Nate tries to ask all the girls. Only one worked. Then Nate put the
puzzle pieces together and it wasn’t for Nate. In the end Nate was sad he couldn’t find his girlfriend.

Blog 12

In the story Out Of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper it describes how a 12 year old girl survives her
disabilities. Melody wants to talk, write, and walk. But she has a disability where Melody can’t  
 talk, write, and walk. So she tries to talk with a board. Somewhat working. Then she has a
therapist. Working really well. In the end Melody is getting better with talking and walking and is
trying to make new friends.